Category: Uncategorized

Chronic Complaints: After 3 times, lay that sucker out

You might know the routine.  Out of genuine care and concern for your partner you ask, “How was your day?” The response goes something like this, “Oh, you can’t believe what a crappy day it was……… (on and on and on, gag, gag, adnosium).” Too often, replaying these stories, and telling them over and over only… Read more »

Your Relationship With Your Partner: It’s the small things that count

Your relationship with your partner is likely the most important relationship you will ever have.  It is wise to review and revise your “attention strategy” to ensure long-term success.  Otherwise, its too easy to take each other for granted and … ah, just read on and watch the video. When we coach with couples, there… Read more »

Just Because I Don’t Know The Plan, Doesn’t Mean There Isn’t One

I just finished re-reading ‘The Power of TED’ by David Emerald and am pondering where I consistently jump into the Dreaded Drama Triangle. If you’re not familiar with the Drama Triangle, I invite you to get the book and read it. The Triangle consists of 3 positions we play in our self-created dramas: Victim, Persecutor,… Read more »

A Single Word Can Muck Up Your Relationship: a need for awareness and honesty

When coaching with couples, we usually ask if they know their partner’s hot buttons – words, a look, an expression that sends the partner into defensiveness, anger, withholding, or running. The answer is always “yes.” A really simple way to improve your relationship is to stop pushing those buttons.  Easier said than done.  As well… Read more »

Job Jar: A simple family tool for empowerment, collaboration, pride, and fun

When coaching with couples (especially those with young children), we often hear concerns about household tasks that don’t get done, or resentment about which person needs to do them. The resentments are often due to unmet and uncommunicated expectations about “the way it should be.” Yet, at the core, these parents usually share a common… Read more »

Marriage? Honesty Ensures Longevity

Regularly we have a dialogue with one of the partners in a relationship, and the words go like this: “I just found out that he/she is ready to leave. I had no idea it was so bad.” How does this happen? There are always many stories, yet the fact is: honest communication has not occurred…. Read more »

The Rotary Four-Way Test: It Affects Your Marriage And All Relationships

Recently we were visiting with Connie and Bernie. This couple have done the conscious and consistent work to transform their relationship whereby they now strive to work together to bring out each other’s wonderfulness. They gave us a small medallion which they use to remind themselves to keep working together for the betterment of themselves,… Read more »

1 Choice That Changes Everything In Your Marriage

Marriage (or any long-term intimate relationship) can be the most satisfying, gratifying, and mystifying experience in life.  Maybe that’s why a large percentage of our population try it. It seems that many people “try it,” as a sport that you win or lose, and naturally the intent is to win. Other people “totally commit to… Read more »

A Simple Habit Formula To Transform Your Life

I have a bundle of habits that rule my life.  So do you. If you think about your brain as a computer, this bundle of habits is an amazing operating system that makes much of life easy.  It operates in the background and does calculations and tasks so you can focus your attention on activities… Read more »

1% Victories for Relationship Excellence

“How can I fix my relationship?” We hear this regularly in phone calls, emails, and from coaching clients. Unfortunately, a relationship is not like a car, where you fix it by putting in new spark plugs, changing the brake pads, or installing a new sensor.  That said, I know some people who would graphically tell… Read more »