Tag: couples therapy

Gratitude & Appreciation

What results do you experience when you apply Gratitude & Appreciation in your relationship at home? For many couples we coach, this is not a normal, or even easy mode of operation. Yet, it can become a “best practice,” but only if you want to experience greater happiness, joy, satisfaction, and love. We invite you… Read more »

The Healing Power of Giving

Ever have one of those days when you just feel blah, crappy, down, blue, why-do-I-bother, maybe even feeling a bit sorry for yourself? I do. I don’t like it when it happens, so I’ve got several sure-fire ways to turn it around for me. For you, here is one guaranteed way to help you begin… Read more »

A Simple Habit Formula To Transform Your Life

I have a bundle of habits that rule my life.  So do you. If you think about your brain as a computer, this bundle of habits is an amazing operating system that makes much of life easy.  It operates in the background and does calculations and tasks so you can focus your attention on activities… Read more »