Where in your life would a slight shift of perspective make a significant difference in the quality of your relationships and your results? The choice: to get bitter or get better. A few years a go, I attended a series of intense Neuro Linguistic Programming classes to become a Master Practitioner of this modality. One… Read more »
Tag: personal responsibility
When Life Sucks …??

Ever felt stuck in your life, not sure what to do or where to go? Maybe even now? I don’t mean that you don’t have things to do. Most people I know share with me that they are incredibly busy. What I mean is that what you’re doing just doesn’t feel meaningful, purposeful and contributing in… Read more »
100% Responsibility + 0% Excuses = Accountability. Doesn’t It?

Responsibility and accountability are more than Interesting words; they are principles of life, whether it be in your professional or your personal life. You might be thinking, “Principles? What d’ya mean by principles, Dan?” I invite you to read on because there is a link to a great video that ties this together with an… Read more »
Trust in your relationship
My Partner Doesn’t Trust Me! In our coaching sessions with couples, we hear the above statement regularly. Or, for those who are a bit more aware of their own part in the relationship, the question they ask is this, “How can I make my partner trust me?” Trust is the foundation of any relationship, whether… Read more »