We’ve been married for over 38 years. Wohoo!
But it wasn’t always easy.
Our paths together started as full-time farmers in Southern Alberta. Our youthful dreams did not include life and relationship coaching, facilitation of communication trainings, or supporting community development. However, we’ve always been passionate about helping people and growing our community.
Like most couples, we expected the “honeymoon” stage would continue, but it didn’t.
We also realized that through modelling, we were teaching our two young sons how to treat their future partners. We didn’t like how that might turn out.
We experienced the chaos and crap, yet finally decided to work together to consciously design our relationship the way we wanted it, rather than accepting what happened by default.
Through conscious, persistent, and consistent work, we’ve enhanced our ways of ‘being’ so that our relationship now continues to expand, grow and evolve, creating the most amazing experiences. It gets better every day – yes, even after all of these years together.
You can have that too!
As an individual, or as a couple, we coach with you in-person from our location near Edmonton, Alberta or by phone or internet wherever you are.
Are you ready to get started with couples, business, life, or personal relationship coaching? Or do you need more information? It all starts with conversation. We invite you to call us at 780-785-9479.
If you’re not quite ready for the conversation, we invite you to scroll to the bottom and sign up for our newsletter. You’ll create value for yourself that way.