Community Relationships Count

And it’s important to build them everywhere.

I know this is not about the “couple relationship” however it will give you perspectives about how you and your partner can affect a much bigger circle. It’s all about sharing love, and creating opportunities to experience greater happiness, joy, and fulfillment.

Check out the video and article about a one-of-a-kind investment co-op we’ve been involved with in our community.  It’s interesting to note that of the founding members, about half of them are rock-solid couples.

Go here and read down a bit to where you can watch the video and another link for the pdf file of the article. Please like them and share them around.

A critical starting place for us was recreation and kids, through support from Alberta Recreation and Parks Association (ARPA) and their Active Creative Engaged Program (ACE).  And another critical support component was from Alberta Community and Cooperatives Association (ACCA).

Might it be the kind of thing you can work on together in your community?  We’re happy to support and help however we can.

Have a super day!
