Have you ever gone on a holiday without your partner? How did your partner feel about it? When coaching couples, there is often resentment when one person goes on a holiday (with family or friends) and the other stays at home. Our perspective is that it is super healthy to have your time apart. The… Read more »
Tag: relationship coaching
Ego or Spirit: Which Do You Employ?
Yup, you likely know there are two parts of your mind that direct your thoughts, words, and behaviour: Ego or Spirit. If you’re like me and most other people, you’ve had times (maybe lots of them) when you reacted to a situation with your sweetie, said something, and then almost instantly wished like heck you… Read more »
6 Tips To Expand The Love and Reduce Conflict
In the 20+ years Carol and I have been working with couples, we’ve not yet had a couple come to us saying, “We have an incredible relationship, filled with love, joy, happiness, and contentment. We want to expand the love even more.” We’ve not had that – yet. Maybe you and your partner will be… Read more »
Celebrate The Great Things
Sh….. happens!! It is too easy to focus on that, rather than to celebrate the great things. Every couple we coach has, and is, doing simple daily things that allow them to exist and usually thrive. By taking time to acknowledge and celebrate those things, the less-than stuff becomes less important, or falls away. Now,… Read more »
Mentoring Magic – Secret Shared By Others
Life is about Relationships, yet those are tough to navigate on our own. A tool we call Mentoring Magic can help you (and me) to ask questions, listen, and learn what works – and what does not. Ultimately, you get to choose what to apply and what to set aside. As with all things in… Read more »
Desire To Engage
Dang it used to frustrate me when I’d do something to Carol (a touch, a kiss, a few words) because I had a desire to engage in an interaction, and it would be ignored or missed. That was mostly years ago, yet still happens now and then. I also know there have been many times… Read more »
Give Change A Chance
Right now, we ponder, “what do we need if we must evacuate” (wildfires a few miles away). I’m reminded of the power of our relationship. When we are strong together, we can adapt, support ourselves and others, and definitely give change (and love) a chance. Life is an experiment. Some experiments give us the results… Read more »
Utilize Strengths In Your Relationship
I bet you are really good at some things, aren’t you? I also bet your partner is really good at some things. However, how often do you consciously and intentionally plan to utilize strengths in your relationship, so you create even more of the amazing experiences and results that you both want? We invite you… Read more »
How Do I Hold My Partner Accountable?
When coaching with couples, we get asked this question regularly, “How do I hold my partner accountable for what they said they would do?” It is a great question. Join us to explore some perspectives. I can’t hold my partner accountable, and neither can you. With that in your mind and heart, what specifically are… Read more »
The Power Between – Change Zone
The quality of relationships change. So why not make the changes to your relationship intentionally and consciously by your design? To do that takes recognition of the Power Between, rather than power over. Our dear friends, Gail McDonald and Susan Sneath invited us to join them on their show to explore this. OK. What specific… Read more »