A story from long time ago when anger was not my ally. I wish I’d have known how to deal effectively with anger. It was a teenage party at a public campground. Joking and laughing around a campfire. My best friend, Tim, dropped his empty beer bottle on the ground and stomped on it, breaking… Read more »
Tag: effective communication
Caring Creates Communication: 3 principles for happiness
How does caring affect communication? I invite you to notice similarities in the next 4 paragraphs? When coaching with couples, typically a huge amount of time is invested supporting them to create strategies to communicate effectively, so both people feel heard, understood, and cared for. When coaching executives and entrepreneurs, typically a huge amount of… Read more »
2 Unkept Secrets For Lasting Happiness
In speaking engagements or workshops, I’ll occasionally ask, “Who would like a bit more happiness?” I’ve never met anyone who replied, “No, I’ve got enough happiness. I don’t want any more.” I believe that happiness can be measured on a continuum from 1 to 10, with 10 being extreme happiness, maybe described as bliss. In… Read more »
The Nasty Intention/Impact Gap: 7 Tips For Resolve
I once read, “We value ourselves by our intentions. Others value us by our impact.” Hmmm? It’s the gap between that often causes challenges, isn’t it? Example: Recently, Carol and I were debriefing after a couples coaching session – a lively celebratory dialogue. Carol began to apologize for her interjection into the flow of the… Read more »
What You Were Told As A Kid Doesn’t Work: The Art & Science of Word Use
Remember the ditty, “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me”? Totally ridiculous, wasn’t it? The phrase would supposedly protect us from verbal attacks on the playground at school. If you think about the flip-side of the phrase, it means it’s OK for the bully to use verbal attacks. After… Read more »
Marriage? Honesty Ensures Longevity
Regularly we have a dialogue with one of the partners in a relationship, and the words go like this: “I just found out that he/she is ready to leave. I had no idea it was so bad.” How does this happen? There are always many stories, yet the fact is: honest communication has not occurred…. Read more »
When Life Sucks …??

Ever felt stuck in your life, not sure what to do or where to go? Maybe even now? I don’t mean that you don’t have things to do. Most people I know share with me that they are incredibly busy. What I mean is that what you’re doing just doesn’t feel meaningful, purposeful and contributing in… Read more »
Where Is That Wascally Wabbit (aka Happiness)?
Do you remember the Bugs Bunny cartoons? If so, what pops into your mind with the name, Elmer Fudd? The picture in my mind? I see a short, pudgy character with his hunting cap perched on his head, gun over his shoulder, marching through the woods like a soldier, and with a slow deep voice… Read more »
Get-Out-A-Town? Isn’t It Time For You?
OK, be honest with me. When was the last time you and your mate took the time to get away from home for a few days – just to reconnect? It is so important to leave your regular distractions, and also to make the time to just have some fun. Check this out. When are… Read more »
How To Be More Productive: It’s About People, Isn’t It?
My son, Jamie, once said, “Work is highly overrated.” Although his comment was in jest, there is some truth to those wise words for many people. Sure, most of us are required to work in order to keep wieners and beans on the table. Let’s face the facts: most of us invest a large percentage… Read more »